$80.00 deposit required
($50/hr) FEE ADDITIONAL TO SERVICE PRICE!!) This fee is for service requests outside of my normal working hours!!
$80.00 deposit required
($50/hr) FEE ADDITIONAL TO SERVICE PRICE!!) This fee is for service requests outside of my normal working hours!!
$10.00 deposit required for new clients
20 minutes to discuss desired services
$15.00 deposit required
Brows cleanup from previously shaped brows using Nufree Nudesse hair removal system.
$15.00 deposit required
Men's basic haircut only. No shampoo
$20.00 deposit required
$10.00 deposit required
Women's trim is for ends only. Less than 1/2 inch.
Detangling hair before or after shampoo. This is a tedious task and very time consuming.
Loosening or taking down of any previous hairstyle at time of service appointment
(3”OR LESS)SHORT HAIR Hair should already be shampooed to be curled.
$25.00 deposit required
Includes shampoo, conditioner and basic hairstyle!! WRAP OR ROLLER SET, BASIC BLOW DRY/CURL
$25.00 deposit required
Use of humidity resistant product to help keep hair straighter and resist reversion. Includes shampoo conditioner and silk press.
$30.00 deposit required
Natural Hair styles that include rod sets, curls, twists, braided combinations in one style
$60.00 deposit required
Use of protein treatment to give hair straighter texture when heat is applied without changing natural hair pattern. Last up to 3 months with proper maintenance. Results depend on porosity and condition of hair.
$40.00 deposit required
Relaxer touch-up of new growth 3/4 or less. Conditioner and Basic Style included. SPECIALTY STYLING EXTRA FEE
$50.00 deposit required
Relaxer for all natural hair or more than 3 inches of new growth. Includes conditioner, trim, and basic style. Specialty style extra
Two strand single twists on natural hair. PRICE VARIES DEPENDING ON LENGTH
$30.00 deposit required
BRAID NATURAL HAIR ONLY NO EXTENSIONS!!! Shampoo and conditioner included. Price varies depending on style and hair length
SINGLE LAYER MED CORNROW **DESIGNS ADDITIONAL FEE Client supplies hair. Shampoo and blow dry included
Hair shampooed and condtioned braided down and crochet hair installed. Client provides hair. Price varies depending on style.
1” OR LESS NEW GROWTH Locs will be shampooed and retwisted. Price varies depending on length (STYLE NOT INCLUDED)
$50.00 deposit required
Temporary colors lasts 1-2 washes. No mix, straight from bottle. Style is additional
DEPOSIT ONLY!! WILL NOT LIGHTEN HAIR COLOR. May last up to 6 shampoos depending on the hair porosity.
$25.00 deposit required
Allover one color process. This color is permanent and can lift and change hair color up to 4 levels. Price varies with length of hair
When you desire to have your hair lightened and toned to desired colored. Price varies with length of hair
$35.00 deposit required
Bleach hair to light or blonde color
$25.00 deposit required
Highlights are achieved using foils to separate hair. Price will vary according to desired technique and length of hair.
$25.00 deposit required
Partial highlights is only for top portion or specified area of the head. PRICE IS PER FOIL NOT WHOLE HEAD.